Well it's been awhile since I blogged; that is because our daughter Audrey was born on Dec 17th! Motherhood is wonderful and exhausting. It's everything people tell you but so much more than you can ever image. It has been the hardest job I've ever had.
I don't think anything could have prepared me for motherhood. I would say that Audrey is a very spirited child. She has a strong will and looks like the both of us. I thought she would have looked more like one of us but she is a true mix.
We have had so much happen since Audrey was born. We've had a fire, a trip to the NICU, another 4 days in the local hospital, sewer issues, the list just goes on but strangely, just looking at Audrey makes it all worth it. I think I've worried that all the problems have meant Audrey is being short changed. That maybe the stresses we have been feeling have been bad for her but she is growing and seems happy.
I think the number one lesson I've learned in the last 7 weeks is that God is in control and giving over the control is the only way to survive the ride. I had to give into the pain during childbirth and I've had to trust that the "problems" are just small bumps in the road to whatever God has planned. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to blog now that Audrey is here but I'll share the adventure as often as I can manage.
I'm glad she's here and well, Martha.