Saturday, June 25, 2011

Audrey's words

Now that my little baby is all toddler I have decided to type up a list of her words. 
So here we go:
  1.  No
  2.  Eyes
  3. Hair
  4.  Ears
  5. Nose
  6. Cheeks
  7. Teeth
  8. Eyebrow
  9. Arms
  10.  Apple
  11.  Juice
  12.  Water
  13.  Out
  14.  Side
  15.  Walking
  16.  Boob
  17.  Gibby (which is what she calls her pacifier)
  18.  Barney
  19.  Mama
  20.  Daddy
  21.  Puppy
  22.  Yasmin (our dog Jasmin)
  23. Noopy (our dog Snoopy)
  24. Sleepy
  25. Peepee
  26. Poop
  27. Please
  28. Thank you
  29. Wecome (Welcome)
  30. Amen
  31. Elephant
  32. Pig
  33. Cow
  34. Fish
  35. Duck/Dog (She is still confusing these two)
  36. Mouse
  37. Sheep
  38. More
  39. Night (short for good night)
  40. Bye
  41. Agua (water in Spanish)
I think that is just about everything in her vocabulary.  Of course her number one word is "No!"  The rest she uses as needed.  Pretty good list, I think, but then I am a bit biased :)

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