Saturday, July 10, 2010

cloth diaper irony

okay so I've have a cloth diaper issue.  Audrey developed a rash after we switched to cloth.  As you know, or don't know, part of the reason I switched to cloth was to avoid rashes.  Audrey has never had an issue with rashes but after the reports of chemical burns with Pampers, I decided I wasn't going to take any chances.   "Isn't it ironic, don't you think?  A little too ironic!"  Sorry, had a 90's moment.

But yes I do think it is ironic that I switched to cloth and got a rash when I was switching to cloth to avoid rashes.  So we got a rash from the detergent we were using.  Thanks to the wonderful people at Pinstripes and Polkadots, I was able to figure it out.  So I'm including the link to their cloth diaper basics.  It was a wonderful resource.  I would also suggest joining and/or for forums about cloth diapering and buying cloth diapers.  My entire stash is made up of used CDs.  Mostly Goodmamas because they fit Audrey so wonderfully.  I was lucky I was able to ask the mama's at Triad Tot Toters for recommendations and they let me try them on Audrey.

So anyways, I didn't do quite enough research before switching.  Detergents do matter.  You live you learn.


  1. we use charlies soap. its very natural and safe google it

  2. I've heard good things about Charlies. I think I'm going to go ahead and order some. Audrey is doing better now. I stripped the diapers and so far so good. I have some Tide Free, which is what I was using before we moved. Hopefully she'll doing okay until I can order some better stuff.
