Just a couple of giveways to share:
Party of 5 and Counting is giving away a Baby Bond nursing cover. Here is the link:
It closes on Feb 25th so hurry over and enter to win.
Mommy is Green is giving away a GroVia Diaper! Here is the link:
It closes on March 2nd so get over there! I love Gro Vias! This is a prefect giveaway if you want to start a cloth diaper stash! You can also go to the sponsor: The Glass Baby Bottle if you just want to buy one to try out.
Mommy is Green is giving away Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Flour! Here is the link:
That one will be open until March 6th.
Naturalmente Mama is giving away Tropical Tradition Organic Coconut oil! Here is the link:
That one will be open until March 5th.
While I am not a big fan of dried coconut, I don't like the texture, I love love love Coconut oil for baby's skin and to treat/prevent thrush. Both ladies just posted the giveways so get in there and get your name in the bag.
There is also another give away on Naturalmente Mama! She's got Plant Wise snack bags! That one will close on March 2nd. Here is the link: http://www.naturalmentemama.com/2011/02/planet-wise-bag-your-snack-stuff-resena.html
Thank you Martha for including my giveaways!